Learn how Aspire respects your privacy

You have a right to know the information that Aspire holds about you. This includes:
  • What information we hold.
  • What we use the information for.
  • Who we have disclosed the information to.
  • Who we may disclose the information to.
To obtain this information, please submit a ‘data subject access request (DSAR).’
Upon receiving your request, we’ll contact you to verify your identity and information if necessary. Aspire then has one month to respond and provide the requested information. In complex or high-volume cases, we may extend this period by two months with prior notice.
We can provide the requested information in your preferred format, whether electronic or paper. Please note that we may remove personally identifiable details of other individuals. In some cases, we may withhold information if it could still identify others.

Should you disagree with our decision, you have a right to register a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office. To do so, kindly reach out to them at:

Get in touch

If you would like to submit a data subject access request, or have any other queries, please contact our Data Protection Officer.

Email us