Dog fouling

Is this anti-social behaviour? Yes.

Dog owners can be given an on-the-spot fine if they do not clear up after their dog. The amount varies from council to council and can be as much as £80. Try speaking to your neighbour to make them aware of their responsibility. If you have tried speaking to them or do not feel able to, you can make a report.

If the offence took place on our land, please complete our contact form on your online account. Once we receive your report, we will make contact with your neighbour.

If the offence took place in a public area such as a pavement or park, please contact the Local Authority who will make contact with your neighbour and possibly issue a fine if you are able to provide them with sufficient evidence.

Dog barking

Is this anti-social behaviour? Only if the noise is persistent.

Noise is the most common cause of anti-social behaviour.  Please remember that no home is totally soundproof, so you are going to hear some noise from your neighbours.

We would suggest you have a friendly word with your neighbour first as they may not be aware they are disturbing you.

If you still feel you are being disturbed and the situation has not improved, or if the behaviour is persistent during the day or night, and you do not feel safe approaching your neighbour please contact us using the ASB reporting form on your online account and let us know:

  • When the noise happened;
  • How long does the noise last;
  • How loud is the noise;
  • How is the noise affecting you.

There are a number of ways we can help including:

  • Providing you with details of how to record noise;
  • Arranging mediation with your neighbour. Mediation is an opportunity for neighbours to solve problems by talking through solutions with a trained mediator;
  • Issuing verbal and written warnings;
  • Taking legal action when it is reasonable for us to do so.

If you have concerns about the welfare of a pet, you should contact the RSPCA.

If you want to report persistent noise from dog barking, please use our ASB reporting form on your online account.

Dangerous dogs

Is this anti-social behaviour? Yes.

Some dogs can become aggressive and bite other people or animals.

Under the law any dog, of any breed or type can be considered dangerous if it is not kept under control. The dog doesn’t have to bite anyone; it could just show aggressive behaviour that makes someone feel in fear for their safety.

If you are in fear of your safety, please contact the Police immediately or report the dangerous dog.

Once you have reported it to the Police, please contact us by phone or via our online ASB reporting form on your online account so we can work with the Police and agree the next steps.