Bathroom condensation can be lead to bigger problems such as black mould. This is a guide on how bathroom condensation can occur, areas that can be affected by it, and the ways in which you can prevent this.

Bathroom condensation usually arises after someone in the household has taken either a bath or a shower, causing water droplets to form on the windows, walls, and mirrors. The warm and damp air is cooled by the cold surface of these objects and creates the condensation. Warm air will also hold more moisture, which leads to heavier condensation. There are two factors that help reduce the amount of condensation:

  • Air flow
  • Heat

The best way to increase air flow around your bathroom is to open a window. Doing this will filter the warm, damp air outside and reduce the amount of water within the atmosphere, therefore reducing the amount of condensation. However, you need to remember to keep the bathroom door closed while the air is humid, otherwise there is a risk that the condensation will then form on other cold surfaces around the house, which will then cause a build-up of water and potentially black mould. Black mould should be avoided as much as possible, as it leads to further problems.

To prevent mould from appearing in your bathroom due to condensation, try:

  • Wiping down surfaces that are compensated
  • Keeping the bathroom clutter-free
  • Remove wet towels

Keeping the bathroom warm will also help to reduce condensation as the surfaces won’t be as cold and will make them less likely to attract water vapour. Installing a heated towel rail is a great way to heat the bathroom. Double glazing windows like also help keep heat within the bathroom.

All of the above options aren’t going to be overly expensive, compared to other alternatives, and provide practical solutions to condensation. There are other options, like installing a demistable mirror and waterproof wall tiles, that can also help condensation and preventing mould, but they are more expensive.

If you are worried about condensation, damp and mould in your home, find out more information here. You can also download our new brochure.

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