Meet your Locality Coordinator

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Meet our Localities leadership team

Reach out to your Locality Coordinator team

We understand that personal interactions can make a big difference when it comes to your home and neighbourhood.
Our dedicated Locality Coordinators are here to provide on-the-ground support and assistance to you and your neighbours.

Explore our map to find your Locality Coordinator and get to know the leadership team behind them.
Our team is committed to ensuring that you receive the best possible service and support in your area.




James Fullford

"We are a local team, with many of us that live within the communities we serve, so we really do genuinely care!"

James Fullford

Head of Neighbourhoods

North West, North East, Central, South, Community Living

Sarah Oliver

"We are a local team, with many of us that live within the communities we serve, so we really do genuinely care!"

Sarah Oliver

Locality Manager

South, Central

Natalie Noone

"We are a local team, with many of us that live within the communities we serve, so we really do genuinely care!"

Natalie Noone

Locality Manager

North West, North East

Elizabeth Darlington

"We are a local team, with many of us that live within the communities we serve, so we really do genuinely care!"

Elizabeth Darlington

Locality Team Leader


Jessica Bentley

"We are a local team, with many of us that live within the communities we serve, so we really do genuinely care!"

Jessica Bentley

Locality Team Leader

North West, North East

Louise Parton

"We are a local team, with many of us that live within the communities we serve, so we really do genuinely care!"

Louise Parton

Locality Team Leader


Julie Topham

"We are a local team, with many of us that live within the communities we serve, so we really do genuinely care!"

Julie Topham

Team Leader (North)

Community Living

Bernadette O-Grady

"We are a local team, with many of us that live within the communities we serve, so we really do genuinely care!"

Bernadette O-Grady

Team Leader (South)

Community Living

Mark Beadle

"We are a local team, with many of us that live within the communities we serve, so we really do genuinely care!"

Mark Beadle

Locality Manager


Anti-Social Behaviour

We want everyone living in or around an Aspire Housing home to be able to go about their everyday life without feeling upset, scared, or intimidated. 

We know that sometimes anti-social behaviour, also known as ASB can stop this from happening. When it does, we want to know about it, as there are lots of things we can do to help. 

Community Walkabouts

Our Community Walkabouts is our commitment to improving the quality of our communities where our customers live. We host a programme twice a year of Community Walkabouts, which involves our team walking around your community and identifying any issues that might need to be tackled.


It will give you the chance to meet your locality coordinators and our agency partners where you’ll be able to share your views and ideas on how we can keep your community clean, safe and welcoming to you and your visitors.

Home swapper

Mutual Exchange

Are you looking at moving or want to swap your home with a another Aspire Housing customer, or another resident with a different social landlord?

Learn More...

What matters most to you?

(Some key examples from Chat 2 Aspire)
  • Friendly neighbours
  • Being close to shops and your town centre
  • Being digitally connected
  • Access to clean and litter-free green spaces
  • Safe neighbourhoods
  • Seeing your Locality Coordinator in your community
  • Access to education
  • Access to repairs and regular updates
  • Events and activities for children and young people to access
  • Being involved in helping to improve your services and communities

Make a difference in your community

Chat 2 Aspire: Shape Your Neighbourhood

Get involved and help shape your neighbourhood with Chat 2 Aspire! Share your ideas and feedback to make a real difference in your community. Your voice matters, and together we can create a vibrant, safe, and welcoming environment for everyone.


Get Involved with Aspire Housing

Your feedback is crucial in helping us improve our services and communities. Whether you have a few minutes or a few hours, there are many ways to get involved. From online surveys to community meetings, your participation can make a significant impact.