Claiming benefits

In the last year we've raised over £500,000 for our customers on benefits they were entitled to but not claiming. 

Claiming benefits is confusing, people don’t know if they are entitled or not. If you come and see us we can advise you on whether you would be entitled to claim benefits, we can do what is called a better off calculation to see if you should change/claim welfare benefits.

Debt awareness

If you've fallen into debt, you don't have to cope on your own. Our team is on hand to help you get your finances under control.

Our specialist team are training to tackle debt, we can redress the balance so that you are back in control. We have a list of options that we can share with you to help you get back into credit. We can help you to find the right solution for you and your money issues.

Need help budgeting? Ever considered how you can save more money? Speak to one of our advisors who will help you to change utility suppliers, change phone suppliers, apply for grants and get better banking providers.

Money Advice team case studies

A single parent with one dependent child, this customer was living in a housing association property and in receipt of income support, child benefit, child tax credits and carers allowance. She already had support in place via an early help team and a social worker.

Single parent of one dependent child and one non-dependent child. She is living in a one-bedroom private rented flat. In receipt of Universal Credit and Child Benefit.

This customer is a single parent of one dependent child and is living with a lodger in social housing accommodation with 3 bedrooms. They took over the tenancy when their mother went into a hospice.
They’re also in receipt of universal credit, child benefit and carers allowance.

Have a chat with one of our advisors

If you have a question about money advice, send a message through your account, email us, text us on 07851260728 or call one of the team on 01782 635200

You can also pop in and see us at our weekly drop ins:

Monday: Chesterton One Stop Shop and Victoria Hall, Kidsgrove 9.30am to 1pm
Tuesday: The Guildhall 9.30am to 1pm
Wednesday: The Guildhall and Victoria Hall, Kidsgrove 9.30am to 1pm
Thursday: The Guildhall 9.30am to 1pm
Friday: Ramsey Road Community Centre 9:30am to 1pm.

To see more of our drop in events, visit our events page.

Universal Credit

The benefits available for working age claimants have changed. Universal Credit is a new single benefit which has been introduced in phases over the past few years.

Universal Credit (UC) replaces several existing benefits and it works differently to the existing benefit system so it’s important you know what’s new.  We’ll help and support you through the transition to Universal Credit.  Find out more about what it is, if it's right for you and speak to one of our expert Money Advisors on 01782 635200.

Money advice frequently asked questions 

How can I pay my rent?

Paying your rent should be a priority.

If you miss any payments on your rent account this is known as being in arrears. It is important that any rent arrears are not ignored as they can build up to a large amount and become very difficult to pay off.

Direct Debit

This is the most convenient way to pay your rent on a regular basis through your bank account. Setting up a Direct Debit is quick and easy. Simply login to My account to set one up online. 

If you have a bank account but are unable to pay by Direct Debit it may be possible to pay on a regular basis by standing order. Please discuss this option with us. Direct debits are available weekly on Mondays or monthly on the 1st, 8th, 15th and 25th of the month.

Online through My account

You can pay by debit/credit card through My account. Simply login and choose make a payment.

Can I get help with paying my rent?

Yes - if you are having difficulities in paying your rent, simply login to My account and send us a message. A member of our Money Advice team will be in touch with you. You can also seek advice from:

Why should I pay by Direct Debit?

Direct Debit is a really easy, practical and safe way to pay your rent:

  • Payments are made automatically and securely, so your rent is never forgotten, lost in the post, or delayed
  • It helps with budget planning as you know exactly how much is being paid and on what date
  • It's simple to set up

Simply login and contact us through My account for more information. Alternatively you can create an account