Our Aspire team helping with the donations of Slow Cookers

Aspire Housing join with Partnership Project giving away 1500 Slow Cookers.

In the wake of the pandemic and now with the 'cost of living crisis' affecting many homes across Britain, a large number of families are suffering from reduced incomes and are finding it difficult to meet their monthly expenses.

Many households have also fallen into fuel poverty, not having the necessary funds available to stay warm or make hot, nutritious, home-cooked food. As a result, many are forced to use their kettle or microwave appliances for making meals.

We know that slow cookers are ‘a great solution to creating healthy, hearty meals’ and, as they typically use much less electricity than a hob, kettle, microwave or cooker, and allow for a wide variety of meals to be made simply and cost-effectively, we knew that this was a perfect project for us to become involved with, and we are pleased to report that the project was an astounding success.

The slow cookers project was designed by Staffordshire County councils "Here to Help" campaign to promote winter food budgeting. Families in need also received slow cooker recipes to "make the most out of their weekly shop" to help and stretch out their food provisions.

There is a real need to make sure those who could do with additional support and help at this critical time are given just that. By providing a slow cooker to families in need, it would not only save them money, but get them excited and enthusiastic by the incredible meals that can be created using them.

The project required a multi-agency approach to ensure that all those wanting to support the community could be involved. 

Six events were held across the district where families could attend to collect their slow cooker and receive advice and guidance from services where families could access various services such as debt management, mental health, health and other advice.

The 'Here to Help' campaign will continue over the next few months with other activities planned. Look at our event page for more information.




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